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Quote from Sue in Road Kill

Sue: Okay, people, I have been thinking about everything you've said, and I know what I want my major to be. [clears throat] I think it's a good decision. I am going to major in... hospitality and hotel management.
Mike: Is that a real thing? Is that something people can do?
Sue: Yeah, I just found it. I was researching other majors, and it turns out the school is known for this program. Listen to this. 92% of graduates find employment within six months, and there's tons of benefits. I mean, I had never really heard of this as a major before, but it makes complete sense for me. It's people-driven, so I could use my Dollywood experience. If I'm working abroad... [speaks German] And if it's a pet-friendly hotel, I'll get to be around animals. Plus, think of all the binders I would have. You know how I feel about binders.
Frankie: Oh, Sue, hotels... that's awesome.
Sue: Yeah. Dad, what do you think?
Mike: I think we got a winner.
Sue: [squeals] Okay! Okay. My major is... [computer chimes] ...declared.

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