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Quote from Axl in Survey Says...

Mike: Thanks for driving us back.
Axl: Beauty of living in a car.
Mike: Mm-hmm. Look, you're 22 years old. If you want to quit football and think you can swing it, that's your decision.
Axl: Yeah, I can't swing it. [sighs] You were right. I'm a moron. I did the math, and if I don't take that scholarship, I'll be paying off loans for the next 10 years. Might be more, 'cause I don't really trust my math.
Mike: Well, you came to it on your own, and that says a lot.
Axl: Hey, if I got anything from watching you, it's that life is not fun, and it's pretty much a relentless string of disappointments.
Mike: Sounds like I taught you well.

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