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Quote from Sue in A Very Donahue Vacation

Sue: Okay, I didn't want to tell anyone because I didn't want to jinx it, but Brad and I got summer jobs at Dollywood!
Mike: What? How?
Sue: The entertainment committee from the park came to East Indy, so Brad drove up and we auditioned together.
[flashback to Sue and Brad square dancing before a panel. At the end of their dance, they reveal "Pick" "Us" in the lining of their hats]
Sue: We're gonna be performers! Ha! Okay, well, Brad is. He's dancing at the Country Crossroads stage show. I will be a hostess at Aunt Granny's All-You-Care-To-Eat Buffet. But I'll get to play a character.
Mike: Hang on. You're talking about living in Tennessee for the summer?
Sue: But don't worry, Dad. They have condos for all their employees right there in Pigeon Forge. They're really just cabins, but they call 'em condos 'cause it sounds fancier.
Mike: Does your mom know about this?
Sue: No, no, no. I didn't tell anybody. Do you not understand how jinxing works?
Mike: I don't know, Sue. I don't like this. It's in a different state with strange people in condos. You won't be home all summer. I'm not paying for it.
Sue: Yeah, I know, Dad. I-I-I got all that figured out. I will be making double what I made at Spudsy's, so it won't cost you anything. Oh, plus, the best part... I won't be smelling like potatoes anymore. I'll smell like fried chicken.
Mike: [sighs] It's not about the money. What do we even know about this Dolly Parton? I'm sorry, Sue, but I'm gonna have to say no.
Sue: Oh. I-I'm sorry, Dad. But I wasn't really asking your permission. I was just kind of letting you know.

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