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Quote from Axl in The Wisdom Teeth

Axl: What are you talking about?
Brick: I recorded you and Sue on the way home from the dentist. You agreed to all my terms. I'm in charge now. Listen.
Axl: [on Brick's phone] Visitors, visitors, visit...
Brick: No, that's not it.
Axl: [on Brick's phone] and you just smile. You're nice. So nice.
Brick: No, I think it's after this.
Sue: No, no, no, wait, go back. What was what?
Brick: What?
Sue: That thing Axl said.
Brick: Oh, that's when he was telling you how much he loves you. You don't remember?
Sue: No.
Axl: That never happened. It didn't even sound like me.
Axl: [on Brick's phone] 'Cause you do things for people and I don't. Sometimes I need a fork, and you get it for me.
Axl: You taped me without telling... Illegal. Entrapment... turn it off.

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