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Quote from Brad in The Wisdom Teeth

Frankie: Hey, guys. Look what I found in the basement. Who's up for a little Sand Art?
Sue: Shh! Brad's doing improv games. It's incredible. You just give him an occupation and location, and then he does it. It's better than watching TV. Watch. Okay, Brad, now you're a pizza maker.
Axl: In outer space.
Brad: Got it. [Italian accent] Oh, when will this pie come-a down? Why'd I open a pizza parlor on-a Mars-a?
This place has-a no atmosphere. [Axl and Sue laugh]
Frankie: Uh, Brad, can I see you in the kitchen for a minute?
Brad: Oh, but-a Mrs. Heck-a...
Frankie: Now.
Sue: Oh. What?
Axl: Boo. Boo.

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