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Quote from Axl in Film, Friends and Fruit Pies

Jack Kershaw: Tough day, huh? Tough day.
Axl: I don't understand. What happened?
Jack Kershaw: I took your suggestion about the fruit pies. Young people aren't eating them. They're never gonna eat them. Every now and then, you just got to face the facts and fire 50 people.
Axl: No! Wait. That's not what I meant. I love fruit pies. I mean, come on. Look at this thing. Oh! [eats] Mmm! This is delicious. I'm gonna tell all my friends about this. Everything's gonna be okay!
Jack Kershaw: No. You were right. It's an old pastry. Sometimes you just have to cut your losses. Your first bloodbath is the toughest. But I tell ya, Axl, if you keep coming up with those great ideas, you might have my job someday.
Axl: Oh, God.

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