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Quote from Frankie in Floating 50

Frankie: Fine, I won't get any froofy toppings, but I at least want to get pineapple.
Axl: Don't start, Mom!
Frankie: I'm not starting anything. Look, I really want Dom Raggano's, okay? My 50th birthday was two months ago, and I never got a present, so consider this my gift one measly half a pie with pineapple on it.
Brick: But there's three of us who don't like pineapple. It's not exactly fair for you, who's just one person, to get half the pie.
Frankie: Fine, a quarter pineapple. [Axl and Brick groan] One slice of pineapple!
Axl: The pineapple doesn't stay contained. It always leaks onto the pieces next to it.
Frankie: Hey, I'm 50 years old. I shouldn't have to fight to get the pizza I want. When we said we were gonna float my birthday, did I complain?
Brick: Well, you're kind of complaining now. You just floated the complaining.
Mike: All right, all right, no more ganging up on your mom. This is obviously some kind of big deal to her, so let's just go there and get it over with.

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