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Quote from Sue in The Rush

Sue: Lexie, that was so brave. That was, like, Hunger Games brave.
Lexie: Look at me. I'm a mess. I'm going on and on and you haven't even opened your envelope. [sighs] Okay. Just because my life is over doesn't mean yours is. Go on. Open it.
Sue: I'm not gonna.
Lexie: What? Of course you're gonna. This... this is the Year of Sue. You've got big things coming.
Sue: I do, and I don't think it's being in a sorority. What if I got in? That would mean that next year I would be a person who helped make someone feel like this.
Lexie: Don't be silly. Yeah, it hurts now, but I'll get over it.
Sue: Believe me. I am all about sisterhood and philanthropy, but ever since the candle ceremony, I can't stop thinking about that book. And now I wonder... maybe we're not supposed to just sit around waiting for someone to love us enough to make us real. Maybe it's our job to love someone else for them to become real. We're not the rabbit. We're the boy!
Lexie: Wow. That must have been some ceremony.

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