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Quote from Frankie in The Convention

Frankie: Hi, Dr. Samuelson? I'm Frankie Heck from the new Orson clinic.
Dr. Sommer Samuelson: Of course you are.
Frankie: Anyway, I think there's been a misunderstanding. Not that I'm accusing anyone, but I'm not sure it was 100% clear that all expenses were paid.
Dr. Sommer Samuelson: Oh, it's very clear. The convention and your room is completely paid for.
Frankie: Okay, see, I think that's the misunderstanding. Again, not accusing anyone... it was Dr. Goodwin... But some people's expenses were not just the room and convention. [hands over bill]
Dr. Sommer Samuelson: Wow. You guys really had fun.
Frankie: Yeah, we did. We really did. [chuckles] But since this is my husband's and my first time with all expenses paid, we were hoping that you could, just this once, fold the bill into all your other expenses. Just fold it in.
Dr. Sommer Samuelson: You've been with this company for all of 48 hours and you're asking me to pay your $674 bill?
Frankie: Maybe.
Dr. Sommer Samuelson: Wow. That's the exact kind of moxie we're looking for. Picturing the impossible and thinking you can make it happen. In this case, you can't. But don't lose that fire.
Frankie: So, you're not going to pay for it?
Dr. Sommer Samuelson: No way. Selfie?
Frankie: Sure. [both smile]

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