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Quote from Mike in The Shirt

Frankie: Okay, so does everybody know what they want? Ooh! I might order a piña colada.
Bill: Ooh. Do you like piña coladas, Mike?
Paula: Getting caught in the rain? [both chuckle]
Mike: Ah, yeah. You know, there are about a million other things in the world we could be talking about. Football, baseball, tennis, if you're desperate, which I am.
Bill: Right, right, right. Okay. Well, you got the Colts. You know, got that new running back. So it should really be a good year. I think... I'm sorry. I can't think of anything but the shirt.
Paula: Hey, come on. We really should give Mike a break. We'll do four more minutes on the shirt, then we'll move on. [Frankie laughs]

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