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Quote from Axl in Food Courting

Axl: All right. I'm here. Let's get this over with so I can go back to my life. Bunch of dudes are filling up the back of this guy's truck and throwing me a pool party.
Mike: Well, as fun as that sounds, you might like the surprise I planned for you. We're not moving the freezer.
Axl: What? I came all the way down here for nothing?
Mike: No, no. It's good. I got you to come home so we could go out and grab a beer.
Axl: Oh, my God. Why would you do that?
Mike: 'Cause it's something a father does with his 21-year-old son.
Axl: You don't get it. I was gonna swim in the back of a truck. But then you trick me into coming here to have a beer with you... that doesn't make any sense.

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