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Quote from Axl in Siblings and Sombreros

Sue: You're not really gonna take my $10, are you?
Axl: I'm not a monster. You can pay me back in installments. [chuckles] I'm just kidding. Despite what Mom says, I'm not that much of a jackass.
Sue: She doesn't really think you're a jackass. She was just saying that to make me feel better about being relentless.
Axl: Well, hey, you're not... W... [chuckles] You've got a lot of good qualities.
Sue: Oh, no. I know I was bugging you about the sombrero.
Axl: Ugh. I should have brought it home, but I really did forget. You know, I don't get it. Why is Mom always up in our business, anyway?
Sue: Probably 'cause she doesn't want us to grow up. I mean, she's been a mom forever. It's all she knows.
Axl: God, that's sad.
Sue: Ugh. And once I'm gone, she's only gonna have Brick to focus on.
Axl: Poor guy. Hey, maybe once we're both up at college, I could pick you up from your dorm and we can drive home every once in a while. You know, let Mom do a little mothering.
Sue: Yeah, that's a good idea.
Axl: Yeah.
Sue: So... I will be seeing you at college?
Axl: [breathes deeply] Well, I know where a lot of stuff is. You'll probably get lost a lot, so, yeah, probably.
Sue: Well, that would be nice. [inhales deeply] Hey, this isn't the way home. Where are we going?
Axl: Nowhere. It's a nice day out. I thought it would be nice to drive around for a bit.

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