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Quote from Sue in Thanksgiving VI

Darrin: I don't get it. Does your dad not like cake?
Sue: No, Darrin, he does not like cake, he does not like being embarrassed, and he does not like you!
Darrin: Your dad doesn't like me?
Sue: No... Darrin. B-but he should. Dad, I know Darrin isn't perfect, but Cindy ate a whole wedge of cheese, and Brick spent the whole dinner playing an arcade game, and Axl's being rude to Mom's hair person's cousin's niece's daughter. And none of this would've happened if we could've just had Thanksgiving at home, like God intended it to be!
Mike: You know what? Home sounds like a good idea right now.
Axl: My God, Sue. Thanks to you, now we got to go home, and I haven't even had a chance to make my Mex-Italian meat sundae!

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