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Quote from Frankie in The Sink Hole

Frankie: All right, you want a will? Fine. You got it. We'll make a will. "The last will and testament of Michael and Frances Heck." So, what do you guys want?
Axl: [sighs] I'm good.
Brick: Nothing I want.
Sue: I can't think of anything off the top of my head.
Frankie: [v.o.] Well, I guess that's the good thing about not having anything anybody wants... there's no fighting... Not like that Casey Kasem's family. And would we like to be somewhere between Casey Kasem's family and people who do their dishes in the shower? Sure. There's room for improvement. But maybe we are leaving our kids something good... the ability to pull together in tough times. And that's something you can't put on a napkin.

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