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Quote from Sue in Unbraceable You

Sue: [groans] The Year of Sue is ruined! I missed everything. I missed all the sign-ups for all the committees. I missed the senior panoramic picture. I missed the candlelight ceremony where the seniors light the candles for the juniors. I missed the senior pep rally and the senior spirit rally, and I know those sound like the same thing, but they are not.
Frankie: Honey, I know it's not an ideal situation.
Sue: Oh, no. And you haven't even heard the worst of it.
Frankie: I haven't?
Sue: Christine Feltkelner, the only other person in the senior class with braces, got her braces off over the summer, which makes me the only senior in the whole school who still has braces. And don't tell me if I am the only one, that is what makes me special. That worked with the Terry-cloth pants grandma made me, but not with this.
Frankie: Sue, I know it seems like you're never gonna get them off, and I don't get it, either. They look perfect to me. But you just have to hang in there. You're so close.
Sue: Am I? Am I? Because every time I go to Dr. Niller, he says, "Three more months." I go in March, and he says, "Three more months." I go in June, and he says, "Three more months." I go in September, and he says, "Three more months." See? Look, I circled it on the calendar.
Brick: While you were circling things on the calendar, maybe you could have circled the first day of school.

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