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Quote from Axl in The Wonderful World of Hecks

Axl: All right, that's it. I'm done listening to you people. I'm taking this thing over! We're jumping in the first line we see, and we're getting on a freaking ride!
Sue: We can't do that, Axl! You didn't do the research!
Axl: Hey! Look at me! Look at me. I am the captain now.
Axl: Hmm? Huh?
Frankie: [chuckles] Whoa.We' re really moving now, huh? Good job, Axl. I'm telling you guys, this is the turning point. Oh, we're almost at the front! A-a-a-and... We're out of the park.
Man: [over PA] We hope you enjoyed your day at the Magic Kingdom. Until we see you again, have a safe trip home and a magical night.
Mickey Mouse: [over PA] So long, everybody! And we'll see you real soon! [chuckles]
Mike: Disney World... 1. [sighs] Hecks... zero.

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