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Quote from Frankie in The Wonderful World of Hecks

Frankie: [sighs] See... [exhales sharply] my daughter won a contest for two days in the park and one night in a hotel and they gave us this form. And it had a castle on the top. And, uh... it was an honest mistake. I didn't have my glasses. Y-you'll get there... Carol. Trust me.
Axl: She's blind 'cause she's old. [off Frankie's look] What? I'm helping.
Frankie: [sighs] I mean, come on, Carol. This place is all about magic, right? So, what do you say you just tinker-bell the situation and let us in. [laughs] Nobody needs to know. It could just be our little secret.
Ticket Agent: Uh, but the machine will know 'cause here, we use magic bands. And when I scan them, they go "beep."
Frankie: That's okay. See, because we can just... We can just put these on our arms. And then we'll scan them and we'll make the beep sound. [chuckles] So... so... So you... you can just swipe it, and... and we'll all go "beep," right? Just beep, beep, beep. See? That's no problem at all. Right, everybody?
All: Beep, beep, beep, beep.
Ticket Agent: [into radio] Can I get someone from guest relations, please? Quickly.
All: Beep, beep, beep, beep.

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