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Quote from Darrin in Office Hours

Darrin: Listen, sir, I know that may have looked bad, but I want you to know that I have the utmost respect for your daughter. Well, not just her, but you, too. I mean, the reason I come here so much is because you make me feel so comfortable.
Mike: Then that's my fault if I've given you any impression that you should feel comfortable. Here's what you need to know about you and me. Think of it like a soccer game. You're a player. I'm the goalkeeper. You can't use your hands. I only play defense. I'm the world's best goalkeeper, and I'm gonna do everything I can to stop you. Bottom line... you will not be scoring on me. Got it?
Darrin: I understand what you're saying, sir. I guess I just want you to know that I care a lot about Sue and that I would never do anything to hurt her and that you can trust me.
Mike: [sighs] Here's all I need to know about you, Darrin you're 19 and a male. I will never trust you.
Darrin: Actually, I'm 20. I skipped a grade. That's the one where you repeat a year, right?
Mike: No, that's getting held back.
Darrin: Oh, yeah. That's the one I did.
Mike: Yeah.

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