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Quote from Brick in The Potato

Brick: I really didn't mesh with the Pre-Algebra teacher, so I switched to Geometry. I'm not a big fan of US History, so I tried European History, which wasn't great, but I got a seat by the window, which I loved. I swapped Spanish 1 for Spanish 3, and my Biology teacher was a bit dry, so I decided I'd give Shop Class a whirl, which I'm very happy I did because I'm halfway through building what I'm told is a bird house.
Mike: Brick, that's not what Sue meant. She meant that if you don't like a teacher, at least you get to go to another one later, not in place of.
Brick: Oh, that's very different... but I'm assuming I still get to keep my three lunch periods?
Frankie: Well, you have 425 other students to take care of, so we'll just get this one out of your hair.
Principal Barker: Uh, before you go, Brick has six weeks of homework to make up for in five different classes. Me llamo Principal Barker. Boom. Get out of my office.

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