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Quote from Frankie in The Potato

Principal Barker: Please. Have a seat.
Frankie: Thank you. [Frankie grabs a handful of candy from a jar] My husband and I would just like to say, the next time you accuse a student of something, you might want to get your facts straight first.
Principal Barker: Is there a problem?
Frankie: Yes, there is a problem. You made us doubt our son. Because of your accusations, we broke that sacred bond of trust that we hold so dear. The fact is, Brick has been going to class. We've seen his homework. He even got an "A"-minus on his Spanish test.
Mike: Go ahead, Brick. Hit her with some Spanish.
Brick: Me llamo Brick.
Mike: What does that mean?
Brick: My name is Brick.
Mike: Boom. His name is Brick.
Frankie: The bottom line is, you called us in here and made us feel crappy about ourselves, and that's wrong. We are good parents, and we know what's going on with our son. So, rather than judging us, you might want to spend a little time looking at yourself because, apparently, you don't even know what's going on with your own teachers in your own school.

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