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Quote from Axl in The Potato

Frankie: Hmm. What is like living with someone like that?
Axl: Mm. I could tell you some stories. [wipes nose on Brick's shirt] Anyway, I'm gonna need you guys to kick in an extra 50 bucks a month so I can move into a single dorm. $60 gets me a pond view... just saying.
Mike: Great. I'll just call the bank and have them release some money from your discretionary fund.
Axl: Awesome. Now, if you can just scoot three feet to your right, this will have been the perfect conversation.
Mike: Axl, we're not giving you any money.
Axl: It's only 50 extra bucks a month!
Frankie: Axl, your dad's wearing a belt he found on a park bench. We're not giving you any more money.
Axl: Oh, come on! We have all worked so hard to get me to where I am. Now is not the time to give up!
Mike: Actually, we're very comfortable giving up.
Axl: So that's it? You're just gonna cry poverty? It's not like you guys are doing everything you could do. Mom, you can't possibly say you're working to capacity. I mean, you're home now, aren't you? And, Dad, you could pick up a few extra night shifts. I mean, what are you rushing home to, anyway?

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