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Quote from Axl in The Drop Off

Axl: This is outrageous! When was I gonna find out about this? I'm practically the head of the household. How long have I been supporting you people?
Frankie: We just borrowed it during a desperate time. We had no way of knowing that all the times would be desperate.
Mike: Look, we-- we spent plenty of money on you over the years. I really don't think we owe you anything.
Axl: Really? Mm. I have made life so easy for you people. I got a scholarship to college, so you don't even have to pay for it. I... How much is college? Like, $2,000? Well, I want that, too, then! With interest!
Mike: What is interest, Axl? Do you even know what interest is?
Axl: I'm interested in getting my money back. That's what I'm interested in.

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