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Quote from Brick in Leap Year

Brick: We gotta save social group.
Theo: How?
Brick: Well, the school won't pay for the janitor to stay late and keep the school open any more, so I think...
Corey: Maybe they'll let us lock up the school ourselves.
Brick: You guys know why we're here, right?
Theo: My mom says I'm normal.
Brick: She's lying.
Zack: What does the janitor do, anyways?
Scott: Cleans up our barf.
Zack: Well, what if we promise not to barf?
Corey: I can't do that. I have acid reflux from nerves.
Brick: I say we raise the money to pay the janitor ourselves.
Zack: Meow.
Brick: Zack's on board.

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