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Quote from Mike in The Map

Sue: So, Dad, you're not gonna believe this. Brad came up to me on the stairs and said the most shocking thing to me. He said he has a huge secret.
Mike: Oh, Sue, you know, I don't think it's that big a secret.
Sue: No, it is. Guess what he said? [Mike shakes his head] A boy likes me.
Mike: Brad said that?
Sue: Yeah, he said a boy likes me.
Mike: That's what Brad said?
Sue: Right.
Mike: Uh-huh. Now when he said that, was that Brad talking or you talking?
Sue: Dad, there's really only one way to take this. Brad said a boy likes me.
Mike: Mm, I don't think so. Who's "me" in this scenario?
Sue: "Me"?
Mike: "You" you or "you" Brad?
Sue: What?
Mike: Let's say you wrote it in a book. Would it say, "'a boy likes me, ' said Brad"?
Sue: Why would a boy like Brad? Wh- Why would Brad say a boy likes him? That doesn't make any sense. Okay, forget it. I'm just gonna go tell Mom.
Mike: Good plan.

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