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Quote from Frankie in A Christmas Gift

Frankie: [v.o.] Well, after that, a lot of people decided to make it an early night. I guess once your husband rolls out a new dishwasher after you've spent the night trashing him, people can't get out fast enough.
Frankie: [gasps] I love, love, love my new dishwasher! Mwah, Mwah, Mwah, Mwah, Mwah, Mwah! Oh, come on, Mike. I really am sorry. Please forgive me. Please? Mwah, Mwah, Mwah, Mwah. Come on. In my defense, I never thought in a million years you would ever give me a gift this nice. I love you. You're the best husband ever.
Mike: Yes, I am, and you're the worst wife ever. You know, I may not be great at giving gifts, but you are really lousy at receiving 'em.
Frankie: Agreed. Now can we start making up? Hmm?
Frankie: [v.o.] So Mike and I made up... Twice, and my new dishwasher ended up being a surprise after all. It didn't fit. Mike got a dishwasher to fit a standard opening, but as it turns out, nothing in our house is standard.

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