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Quote from Frankie in Halloween II

Frankie: [v.o.] Well, at a certain point, the social group became more of a social experiment: How long could one woman stay chained to six nutty kids on Halloween before she completely lost her mind?
Frankie: Everybody thank the nice lady for letting us all use her bathroom.
Kids: Thank you!
Theo: I have to go the bathroom.
Frankie: Theo, you were just in there.
Theo: I didn't have too then.
Scott: This isn't red. I only like red candy. I can't eat candy that's not red. I have to have red candy.
Henry: Zack keeps purring, Mrs. Heck!
Frankie: Yeah, it's okay, Henry. He can purr. Just means he's happy. Anybody got a piece of red candy they can trade with Scott?
Corey: My socks got dirty. We need to stop so I can put on my backup socks.
Brick: Still think I'm in the top five?

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