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Quote from Sue in Halloween II

Mike: Oh, hey, Sue. How was your party?
Sue: Not great, Dad. Not great.
Mike: Aw. Sorry to hear that. Well, see you in the morning.
Sue: Hey, Dad? Can I ask you something?
Mike: Okay.
Sue: What do boys want?
Mike: Uh, you know, your mom is just down the hallway.
Sue: It's just, I went to this party, and I guess I thought everyone was gonna be in costume like me.
Mike: Aw, Sue, not again. You got to check this stuff out before you go.
Sue: No, everybody was in a costume, just not like me.
[flashback to Sue surrounded by teenagers in skimpier costumes talking to each other:]
Sue: How about Mr. Metzger making us memorize the whole opening of A Tale of Two Cities? Definitely the worst of times, am I right? [a boy rests his rink on Sue's dice costume]

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