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Quote from Axl in The Test

Frankie: Well... how'd the test go?
Axl: I blew it, Mom. I totally blew it. I'm so sorry! I kept hearing what you said about how important it was, and then my brain just vapor-locked, and I totally munched it and got everything wrong! And also, I threw up on my shirt, but I didn't even clean it, 'cause I was like, "What's the point? You're just gonna end up a huge loser, 'cause you screwed up the most important test of your life!"
Frankie: No, no, no. Honey, it's not that important. You're gonna get into college.
Axl: Nuh-Unh! I had one chance, and I screwed it up! Might as well buy a shovel and start picking up dead animals right now. Ugh!
Frankie: Please, it's just a stupid practice test. You're gonna do better when you take the real SATs.
Axl: That wasn't even the real one? What kind of sick mind games are you playing with me?
Frankie: Oh, okay. Axl, Axl, look at me. Your whole world is not gonna fall apart because you didn't do well on one test. You're gonna be fine. Just out of curiosity, do you happen to know how Sean did on his test?

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