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Quote from Sue in The Test

Mike: Go ahead, Sue. Tell your mom what you just told me in the car.
Sue: Well, after considering all my choices for all the teams I could join in high school, I've decided to try out for cheerleading. [screams] I know what you're thinking. I'm a cross-country person. That's what I'm known for. But X.C. isn't the only sport in the world, and the whole point of high school is that it's a fresh start. No one is gonna judge me on my past. Everyone is gonna judge me on my cheerleading talent alone.
Mike: She keeps saying that like it's a good thing.
Frankie: I think what your dad means is, there are so many other teams to try out for. If you only go out for cheerleading, you might miss out on something more... you know, makeable.
Sue: I'm going for it, Mom. After all, you always tell me I should aim high! [walks off]
Mike: Did you say that to her?
Frankie: Does it sound like something I would say?

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