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Quote from Frankie in Forced Family Fun (Part 2)

Frankie: Seriously, Mike?
Mike: What? Frankie, what am I supposed to do? You think I'm happy about this?
Frankie: I don't know. Maybe you are. We've only been married one day. I don't know you that well. Maybe you're the kind of guy who hangs out with his buddies all the time and ignores his wife! You may have just shown me a side of you I don't know if I like.
Mike: Well, I thought you were sweet and caring, but I guess you're the kind of girl that sends a lost guy out into the rain! Maybe you just showed me a side of you that I don't know if I'd like.
Nicky: [o.s.] Are these chocolates for everybody?
Frankie: Great. Neither of us likes each other, and now we're having our first fight! It's not bad enough that we're camping on our honeymoon, and now we're fighting.
Mike: You were excited about camping!
Frankie: I said, "Oh, wow." That's not excited! That's lying! You don't know me at all!
Mike: You know, the guy did say, "For better or worse."
Frankie: Well, I didn't know you'd be leading with worse!

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