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Quote from Frankie in The Bridge

Frankie: So what flavor did you get?
Mike: I don't remember. Tastes like failure.
Frankie: Looks like the mayor and the closer are running Sucktown together.
Mike: I don't get it. Why bridges? Where does that fear even come from?
Frankie: I'm pressing the button, but it's not bringing up the parental controls.
Mike: Okay. Well, maybe you're pressing the wrong button.
Frankie: I'm not pressing the wrong button. Where are you on the page here? Let's see.
[as Frankie and Mike bicker over the remote control, a young Brick looks up from his book and sees "When Bridges Collapse!" on the TV]
Frankie: Who knows? Sometimes these things are just random. It's not like it's our fault.

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