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Quote from Mike in Royal Wedding

Dave: Mike. We need to talk.
Mike: Yeah, we do. Will somebody tell Irv to quit flicking his butts into the blasting caps?
Dave: No, this is serious, Mike. Jim told us about the pretzels.
Mike: What? You're here about pretzels?
Chuck: Let me tell you a little story, boss man, about a dude named Chuck. He dropped out of high school to live free, but when his mom said he couldn't live free in her garage anymore, Chuck went to find a job. Chuck chose a quarry, a quarry with pretzels, but now there's no pretzels, just Chuck.
Jim: He's Chuck.
Mike: Yeah, I got that. Look, they're coming down on me to make cuts. Could have fired somebody, but no, I axed pretzels. Why? 'Cause I'm a nice guy.

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