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Quote from Mike in hecks on a plane

Axl: I'm with Dad. This trip blows. We should just go home. I'm drained from being nice to Sue.
Brick: Yes. Let's go home. All my books are there.
Sue: So that's it? I win a contest, probably the biggest thing to happen to me in my life... And now we're just gonna... gonna go home? Wow. Even when I win, I lose.
Axl: Do you know what? I kinda want to go to New York.
Sue: Really? Oh, Axl. You were actually nice to me!
Axl: Touch me, and the deal is off.
Sue: Oh. Brick?
Brick: Horizons says they have a library there.
Frankie: Mike?
Mike: Well, driving into a storm sounds like something we would do. Let's go to New York!

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