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Quote from Sue in The Big Chill

Sue: Oh! The egg's gotta be here! It's gotta be in one of them!
Brick: Sue, it's over.
Sue: It can't be over. How did this whole thing go so wrong? I just wanted a roommate. I thought we were gonna have fun together.
Brick: I had fun.
Sue: Really?
Brick: Really. Just by not sitting on my head, you're a way better roommate than Axl.
Sue: Thanks, Brick. [the egg rolls out of the wall] The egg! [cheers]
Brick: We did it! We did it!
Sue: Now all we have to do is patch up these holes, and then we're home free!
Brick: We still need to find the screwdriver. [a giant patch of drywall breaks off] Oh, there it is.

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