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Quote from Mike in Errand Boy

Steve: Look, Shannon is Shannon she wants what she wants. You get it?
Mike: No. You know what, actually, I don't. I don't get how you can watch your daughter do something like this to somebody and not feel the need to say anything.
Steve: Well, it's not really my job to force my daughter to do something she doesn't want to do.
Mike: Actually, that's your exact job. That is your job, and my job, to help our kids be nice, to teach 'em how to be decent.
Steve: Yeah, Shannon's not really gonna go for that.
Mike: Well, maybe should speak to Shannon, 'cause she's obviously the one running things around here.
Steve: You know what, buddy? Maybe Shannon just doesn't consider your daughter a best friend.
Mike: Oh, and she's best friends with Amelia? Amelia just moved here, and I know for a fact that she was just using her to get on Wrestlerettes. Maybe I should go in there right now and blow that wide open.
Steve: Hey, that is not true. They became friends through Julia.
Mike: Ah, the same Julia who didn't return any of her texts, because she was too busy backstabbing her. You know what? Your daughter doesn't deserve my daughter. Here. Take this stupid sleeping bag.
Steve: I don't want it.
Mike: Then you shouldn't have asked for it.
Steve: I said, I don't want it.
Mike: Take it.
Steve: You take it!
Mike: You take it!
Steve: You take it!
Shannon: Dad, we need more popcorn.
Mike: Go ahead, Steve. We both know you're gonna go.

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