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Quote from Frankie in Errand Boy

Frankie: Oh, come on. Is running a few errands with me really that bad?
[flashback to Frankie and Brick in a store:]
Frankie: Okay, for Sue's Prairie project, mint or teal? Mint or teal?
Brick: Which one gets us out of here faster?
Frankie: Ooh, remnants.
[flashback to Frankie and Brick in a changing room:]
Frankie: So what do ya think? Flattering or not so much?
Brick: [flatly] I love it.
[flashback to Frankie and Brick in a parking lot:]
Frankie: Okay, we're heading home.
Paula: Frankie!
Frankie: Hey, Paula! I haven't seen you since the party.
Paula: Did you hear what happened after you left? It's this long, crazy story. Have you got a minute?
Frankie: Sure.
Paula: Well, you know how we have that powder room downstairs? Well, Mrs. Barnes...

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