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Quote from Reverend TimTom in Halloween

Reverend TimTom: Oh, hey. Don't worry about that tambourine. You're a very enthusiastic player. That's nothing to be down about.
Sue: I just thought this year was gonna be the best ever, 'cause I'm on cross-country. Did I tell you I'm on cross-country?
Reverend TimTom: Yeah. Yeah, I think you mentioned it a couple times during the song.
Sue: But I just feel like I'm behind in... everything. Getting my braces off, my first kiss... I'm sorry. I don't want to ruin your Halloween. Maybe I should just skip the hayride and go home.
Reverend TimTom: So you're in a rough patch. You know who else hit a rough patch? Jesus. He was dead. But then three days later, He was back on his feet, rockin' it resurrection style. My point is, you never know what's right around the corner.
Sue: You know, I think I will go on that hayride. Thank you, Reverend TimTom. You really do get teens.

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