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Quote from Axl in The Diaper Incident

Sean: Mr. Heck, how are you, sir?
Mike: Great, Sean. Axl, I thought you had a big school project. Why don't you stop wasting time and get to work?
Axl: Ho-ho! For your information, we are working. Our experiment is on the effects of video games on the teenage brain. First, we play 36 hours of Mutant Road Rage, and then we watch a 10-hour Wipeout marathon and see how much of it we can remember. We even got a log.
Mike: And your teacher signed off on this "experiment"?
Axl: Oh, yeah. Coach is totally cool with it. Some other kids are studying the effects of music on coma patients. [laughs] Losers! [high-fives Sean]
Mike: Hey, professor, you got a little bean dip on your log there.

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