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Quote from Frankie in Worry Duty

Frankie: [v.o.] I couldn't believe I'd said it either, but the truth is, after I said it, I felt good.
Morgan: All right. Let me just get my purse out of Axl's room. Come on.
Frankie: [v.o.] Maybe it was because in the light of day, all my fears just seemed silly. Mike was right. They were only 16. And what was so wrong with Morgan? She's got my son speaking Chinese and eating vegetables. That's not exactly robbing banks and stealing cattle. What was I so worried about?
Morgan: [o.s.] A picnic? It's not exactly what I felt like doing today.
Axl: [o.s.] Tell me about it.
Morgan: [o.s.] I'd rather hang out at my house. My parents are more fun. [Frankie gasps]
Axl: [o.s.] I know, but what am I supposed to do?
Morgan: [o.s.] Fine. We'll go this once. But the next time your parents ask us to do something, you're making up an excuse.
[As Frankie steps out of the bathroom, Axl and Morgan come out of his room]
Morgan: All ready. This is gonna be a blast.
Frankie: Yay!
Frankie: [v.o.] There better be booze at this thing.

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