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Quote from Mike in The Fun House

Mike: I need them to reopen the quarry. I need them to reopen it now. I miss my trailer. I miss my desk. Around here, I don't get a minute of peace.
Frankie: You could say it that way, Mike. Or you could say, "I don't get a minute of peace."
Mike: Heh.
Frankie: Aw. Come on inside. Didn't you hear? We're the fun house.
Mike: No. This is my room now. I've had enough of the fun house. I tried to make you happy, but I'm done with that.
Frankie: I'm sorry. I thought it would be more fun. Let's just ship them all back to the Donahues'.
Mike: Good luck. We're out of food and they still won't leave. I say we flood the basement.
Frankie: I have a better idea.

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