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Quote from Bob in The Yelling

Frankie: Really? Yeah, yeah, yeah. So are you two getting serious?
Bob: Well, if by "serious" you mean... madly in love, I'd have to say guilty.
Frankie: Yay.
Bob: Yeah, yeah. Here's another one. I can't show you that one. It's private.
Frankie: Okay.
Bob: Here's a good one. I'll forward it to your phone.
Frankie: Oh, no. My phone cost, like, a dollar. It doesn't do any of that stuff.
Bob: Oh, sure it does. [phone beeps] See.
Frankie: Oh, my God. I had no idea. Oh, you sent me the wrong one.
Bob: Oh, yeah, okay. And it takes pictures. Smile. And movies.
Frankie: No way.
Bob: Yeah, you can make your own movies, put faces on thimbles, act out your prom the way it should have gone. It's very cathartic. I hear.

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