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Quote from Frankie in Siblings

Mike: Uh, what are you doing? We having company or something?
Frankie: No. I don't know. I just thought we'd eat in here.
Mike: Did the kids break the big TV? Hey, kids, get in here.
Frankie: No, no. Nobody broke the TV. No, I just thought, you know, we don't have to eat with the TV every night. We could just sit and talk to each other.
Axl: Whoa. Why are there plates on the table?
Frankie: That's where we're eating dinner.
Axl: What? I don't wanna watch the little TV.
Sue: Did someone break the big TV?
Frankie: The TVs are fine. We're just not watching them until after supper. Tonight, we're having a family dinner in here for a change.

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