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Quote from Axl in The Front Door

Frankie: [v.o.] Truth be told, I was getting a little worried. When it comes to being stubborn, Axl and Mike had a history.
Mike: Axl, you're too old for a diaper. You're not leaving till you go in the potty. [young Axl crosses his arms] Fine. I'll wait.
Mike: You gotta say please. [young Axl crosses his arms] Fine. I'll wait.
Young Axl: Please. [takes melted popsicle]
Frankie: [v.o.] Yep, till now, Mike would always win, but Axl was growing up.
Mike: Fine. I can wait.
Axl: I got nothing but time.
Frankie: [v.o.] Yes, we knew they both could wait, but could we?

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