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Quote from Brick in The Cheerleader

Brick: So then the Nuldoids kidnap this kid and take him to the bowels of the earth.
Axl: Speaking of bowels, what's for dinner?
Frankie: Hey, no complaints. That chicken or beef stew last night was great. And we all kept that down.
Frankie: [v.o.] Not completely true.
Brick: And after the giant tunnel hole, they go to the slide of the Droiden Frobble Dynasty...
Frankie: Okay, Brick, honey. Great social interaction today. Now, please go find a book. There must be one book in the house you haven't read.
Brick: Okay.
Mike: [enters] Hey, champ.
Brick: Mom says I've had enough social interaction today.
Mike: Okay, catch you later.

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