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Quote from Janet in The Funeral to End All Funerals

Judge: Real cute, honey. Where is it?
Janet: What do you mean? It's not in my void?
Bad Janet: No. It's in mine. Ugh. I feel like such a wiener hole saying this, but Michael wrote a manifesto, and I read it on the toilet. I don't have to poop. I choose to. Anyway, I'm with them now.
Shawn: Are you kidding me?
Bad Janet: Oh, get over yourself, you dork. The whole system is royally effed. Humans suck... but this isn't their fault.
Michael: You read what I wrote and it got through to you?
Bad Janet: Yeah, but I also used the pages to wipe my butt, so don't pop a stiffy just yet. Mm-kay?
Janet: Ugh. I am so proud of you.
Bad Janet: I don't care.
Janet: I think you do a little bit. [exclaims] Sister hug.
Bad Janet: Okay, get off me. Ew, ew, ew, ew.

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