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Quote from Eleanor in Janet(s)

Eleanor-Janet: Yo, homey. You and Eleanor were fighting before, and I couldn't help but overhear. Hey, if we hear with our ears, why is it called "butt overhearing"? Bro, if you don't like her, you should just tell her.
Chidi-Janet: [sighs] It's not about whether I like Eleanor. I got into philosophy to try to make sense of a world that almost never makes sense. And that was before I learned that I died and then un-died and then re-died. I just can't take one more thing. It's too much.
Eleanor-Janet: I'm going to tell you a story. Back in Jacksonville, there was this guy in my 80-person dance crew named Stank Toby.
Chidi-Janet: Hang on. It was a 60-person dance crew.
Eleanor-Janet: Um... Oh, dip! What are numbers?
Chidi-Janet: You're not Jason-Janet. You're Eleanor-Janet pretending to be Jason-Janet. That is so wrong and so confusing!
Eleanor-Janet: What was I supposed to do, man? You wouldn't talk to me. This seemed like the only option.
Jason-Janet: [high-pitched voice] Hi, Chidi, I'm Eleanor. I'm Arizona shrimp horny.
Eleanor-Janet: That's not what I sound like, Jason. Get out of here.

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