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Quote from Michael in Best Self

Tahani: Of course! That's it. We should speak to the manager. Wait, you said that there was a judge who decides on disputes between the Good Place and the Bad Place, right? Some sort of head honcho I could pace in front of and plead our case to and maybe even wag a finger at disapprovingly.
Michael: I thought about that. It's a non-starter. Judge rarely hears cases. And the only way to get to the Judge's office is through a portal, and we can never get to that.
Chidi: Why not?
Michael: We'd have to walk through the actual Bad Place, in plain sight, without getting caught. Reach and pass through the portal. Convince the judge to hear us out, even though we didn't go through the proper channels. And then somehow win our unwinnable case.
Eleanor: [burps] Okay. Let's do it.
Michael: You're serious?
Eleanor: Yeah! What do we have to lose?
Michael: All I've ever really wanted was to know what it feels like to be human, and now we're going to do the most human thing of all: attempt something futile with a ton of unearned confidence and fail spectacularly!

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