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Quote from Jason in Whenever You're Ready

Jason: Funny story. Remember how I made you something, and I thought I lost it because it wasn't in my pocket?
Janet: Uh-huh?
Jason: Turns out it was in my other pocket! By the time I found it, you were gone. I was just gonna leave it for you, but I was worried it would get eaten by that magic squirrel. So, I decided to wait for you to come back. Every so often, a different Janet came, but I knew it wasn't you.
Janet: Jason, it's been, like, a thousand Bearimies.
Jason: I know, but I wanted to see you again. It was actually pretty easy to wait. I sort of just sat quietly and let my mind drift away. Thought about you, and the infinity of the universe.
Janet: Kind of like a monk.
Jason: What do you mean? [puts the necklace on Janet] Looks good, not-a-girl. [kisses Janet] Chidi, wait up!

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