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Quote from Eleanor in A Fractured Inheritance

Eleanor: So how did you two love-rats meet?
Dave: Oh, it's a fun story. I was working on this project tearing down a condemned bar called the Desert Rash. I went in to meet with the contractors, and Diana is sitting at the bar drinking a seven in Seven in seven.
Eleanor: 7 shots of Seagram's 7 in 7 minutes. It's Diana's morning drink.
Dave: Oh, that's right, it was very early in the morning. [Donna chuckles] Well, this little spitfire finds out it's me who's closing down the bar. Next thing I know, she's got a knife to my face. I would have been scared if she hadn't been the most gorgeous thing I've ever seen in my life.
Donna: Oh. One thing leads to another, and all of a sudden, we're playing tonsil tennis on a broken toilet in the alley out back.
Eleanor: Cute.

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