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Quote from Chidi in Rhonda, Diana, Jake, and Trent

Chidi: Look, Eleanor, our goal here is to appear in front of a judge who is going to judge us. What if I lie down here and I lose 12 points, and then we get in front of the Judge, and I'm 12 points short? Or what if the Judge won't even take our case at all because we lied to get there? Kant says that lying is always wrong, and I follow that maxim.
Eleanor: So you can't even lie to demons? They're trying to torture us, man. We're behind enemy lines!
Chidi: Well, principles aren't principles when you pick and choose when you're going to follow them. I won't lie about who I am.
Eleanor: Okay. I understand, and I'm cool with it.
Chidi: You're lying right now, aren't you?
Eleanor: Yes. I want to strangle you.

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